The Museum was founded in the mid nineteen-eighties and brings together the physical and intangible heritage of the fabrics industry that has made such a strong mark on the area of Lake Como, particularly since the beginning of the twentieth century.

The museum is a workshop, a laboratory for experiment and action in a perfect balance of tradition and innovation, where the complete cycle of silk processing is represented. The collection ranges from industrial machinery, processing tools and artefacts used in sericulture, while the space is also home to permanent and temporary exhibitions. There recently, for example, a recent major retrospective of the work of Manlio Rho, a twentieth century Europe artist who was among the first to truly grasp the importance of textiles in interdisciplinary art.
The museum tells the story of silk, while continuously seeking how to exploit its 1000 square metres to best advantage and bring to life the history of the world-renowned excellence produced here in this field, while also presenting, conserving and promoting the product.